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I'm celebrating today…..

March 1st, 2009 | 12 Comments »





See you soon!!

12 responses to “I'm celebrating today…..”

  1. Jaiah says:

    Just dropping by.Btw, you website have great content!

    5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

  2. Jonathan says:

    a day late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY…

    amy and jonny

  3. marty says:

    Happy birthday!

  4. Dixie Suski says:

    see Kate! You have a LOT of people that love you!

  5. Robin says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE!!!! Best wishes for a year of good eating and lots of love.

  6. claire says:

    Well, Happy, happy birthday!!! I hope you enjoy your celebration…a day to be celebrated indeed!

  7. Kristin says:

    Happy Birthday!

  8. Maris says:

    Happy birthday! I hope you get a big hunk of that chocolate cake for breakfast 🙂

  9. Jamie says:

    I feel like I have been leaving you birthday wishes all over the internet! Let this one be from Marty!

    And – hint, hint – JP told me today that he is planning on a summer holiday in Italy!

  10. katessisterkris says:

    Ya already know that “I will always love you”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you have a delightful day!!


  11. Astrid says:

    Happy Birthday Kate! Hope you had a great party yesterday and have a wonderful and relaxing day today!

  12. Happy Birthday Miz Kate! *puuurrrrs*