
the ‘to don’t list

I’m most frantic with trying to handle all the red-hot details of so very much these days. And I’m no different than anyone else who makes an extensive list that helps organize and pull it all together. The process of extracting it from my brain into line by line visuals takes it from a jumbled […]

celebrating the abundance

The very first time I did NaBloPoMo, it was in 2007 and I used the theme of ‘Food Holidays’ to blog about every day. Did you know that just about every day of the month, and every month in a year has a national food holiday? For instance, November is National Pecan Month, Good Nutrition […]

on a learning curve

My new camera and I are getting along nicely, but it’s a whole new world to me, one I’m trying hard to get accustomed with. I am taking A LOT of photos, and then, deleting a lot of photos. I shoot in ‘Automatic’, watching the meter to see what it’s doing, then I switch to […]


For the many blessings in my life……. For the abundance that sustains us, the grace that guides us, the joy that fills us, and the friends that warm us. May you all have a blessed and delicious Thanksgiving!!    

it snowed last night…..

We had our first snowfall of the season yesterday. It wasn’t much, really, just an inch or two, but there was an hour or so in the afternoon where the snow fell hard and the wind blew heavy and it LOOKED much worse than it was, and Minnesotans, even though they are a hearty bunch […]

meet my new baby…..

I have been abundantly blessed to receive this beautiful Nikon D80 camera as a gift, straight from the heart of a wonderful friend. And here I am, someone who is so good with words and story-telling, and I can’t find the proper ones to express my gratitude for her kindness and generosity. She has blessed […]


I awoke this morning with a full heart, enriched from an experience last night that really blew me away. I’ll share it soon, when it manifests in reality. But it got me thinking, with Thanksgiving approaching, about everything that I’m brings me gratitude in my life. I could go on endlessly, because my life is […]

battling sleep

There is no moment darker than the middle of the night, when some tiny slip of interference inserts itself through my consciousness and rouses me from a deep restful sleep. The worst part about most of these moments is that there is nothing happening outside the cocoon of my bed that needs my attention. But […]


I’m writing today, just because. Because I love writing, and I love Heather.Just because it’s almost October and change is everywhere. The trees, the clothes in my closets and shoes on my feet.There is change in the foods on our table, the light at dinnertime, the sound of school buses on the street; 7:15am and […]

wordless wednesday… happy anniversary

  Happy 9th Anniversary to the love of my life. I’d marry you all over again, in a heartbeat.