
the after effects

Remember this? Yeah, no big deal, right? A little fender bender, yep. At least on the 22nd, that’s what it appeared to be. Well it’s not. Not at all in any way. That’s an Audi. An import. They are awesome vehicles but we’re finding that they don’t come cheap. We knew this, really. Yet this […]

crazy highs and lows

Do you ever have one of those days that re-define crazy? Do you ever experience something that both jars you senseless, yet lifts you to the highest high? Ever tried to reconcile the two? It isn’t easy, my friends. I did. And it was so weird that I can’t NOT talk about it. This blog […]

where i’m from….

I’m from the heartland, midwestern stoicism, the strong and silent types that never talk about their problems, much less admit they even have them. I’m from the large green house on the creek, the body pulled from the water that has never left my memory, from the moaning of pine trees outside and the wind-whipped […]

this face, this life

{this photo makes me weep- it’s my Mom, and Griffin when he was 2 weeks old} My boy is a Junior in High School this year. I repeat this to myself often, trying to implant it in my head in a way that makes it sound familiar enough, likeĀ I’m truly talking about my own child […]

where i confess to job performance anxiety

The culinary business is exacting, often meticulous and full of thinly veiled moments where too much time, heat, salt or seasoning could be the difference between a food that’s delightful, edible and sublime and one that is virtually unpalatable. So there’s no reasonable way to say this…. my career path is full of perfectionists, raging […]

sweetly broken

I never expected to have the last six months. And I thank God for them, because it’s been a long preparation for this day. Harmon has slipped away, very quickly and over just the past few days. It doesn’t matter what’s wrong because we don’t need to know. We just know he’s very ill, he’s […]


Yes, it’s that time of year again. I used to really dislike my birthday, take the day off work or school, not tell anyone and simply just let the day pass, maybe taking the phone calls from my parents or siblings but that’s it. I never enjoyed it or wanted to celebrate. Somewhere along the […]

thinking of food rules

These days, the buzz words of anything food or culinary related seem to center around the latest thing Michael Pollan has talked about. I’m no MP basher- I like the guy and I even willingly watched ‘Oprah’ the day he was on it because I think he’s got his finger on the right idea. But, […]

memories in the ashes

I’m Minnesota born and bred, raised on summer sunshine, hot dish and 10,000 Lakes. Although there are times that I wish I had the experience of living in other places, experiencing other cultures, I can’t deny my roots, the ones that run deep. My entire family is from this area and I’ve never considered living […]