
A very Merry Christmas to all and a huge Thank You!!

You’ll notice the orange fluff to the right of this photo- that’s Harmon, trying to get in on the Christmas action by the tree. So it’s Christmas- again. We have lots of fun family time planned for the next few days and I hope you do too, if you indeed celebrate something this time of […]

Day 30!!!!

Oh. My. GOSH!!! I covered food holidays for the entire month of November, without fail for National Blog Posting Month. I researched, planned, experimented, baked, whipped, mixed, chilled, cooked, sampled and wrote my way through the month and let you know the results EVERY DAY! I faithfully sat down with my trusty computer and calendar […]

Can't find the butter man

Several years ago, there was a popular song that you may remember: ‘she lies and says she’s in love with him can’t find a better man’ Anyone know who sang it? I sure don’t. And boy was I curious when I first heard it as to WHY someone was trying to find a ‘butter man’. […]