
New Cooking Connections virtual cooking class

One aspect of this big wide food-blogging world I find myself in is the ability to share all aspects of cooking with people all over the globe, whether it’s swapping recipes with my friends here in Minnesota, or sharing cooking tips with someone in another state, the ability to make our world smaller with just […]

product love

I’m remiss in giving some blog love to several wonderful products that have come my way recently. I truly love this aspect of food blogging. This past December, I participated in Season’s Eatings, a food exchange set up by my long time blogging friend, and former Minnesotan Katie, of Thyme for Cooking. Katie gathers bloggers […]

rewind, recap

Every year seems to pass a bit more quickly than the last, or seem to anyway. I find myself peering at December’s calendar page often wondering how I got there; it’s not like I didn’t watch a glorious Spring burst into bloom in my yard, and beyond, or scuttle my way through the intensely hot […]

fun! excitement! challenge!

I was selected as one of the 25 Iron Foodie challengers!!!! I will get a box of 8 gourmet food items from Marx Foods and must prepare a dish using three of them, then post to my blog by December 3rd. The winner receives $200 in credit for using at Marx Foods. There’s other prizes […]

Iron Foodie Challenge

The Foodie Blogroll is pairing up with Marx Foods and sponsoring an Iron Foodie Challenge, where 25 chosen contestants will receive a ‘Mystery Box’ with 8 ingredients from Marx Foods in it to prepare a signature dish. You must use only three of the ingredients only. This challenge has my name all over it. Read […]

blueberries in the summer rain

I’ve been picking blueberries at John and Terry Cuddy’s Rush River Produce in Maiden Rock, WI for about 5 years now. And in doing so have encountered all sorts of weather on the chosen days that I make the long and gorgeous drive to their beautiful farm. Most days I am lucky to enjoy ample sunshine […]

unveiling my passions

It seems like this past year has put me in contact with a large number of very passionate people; people who love what they do whether it’s their chosen vocation, their family or a particular cause. Being around them is almost addictive. There’s a glow, a determination and a sense of joy in them when […]

renewal, and feeding the pain

Our life can be marked by our losses, which often can be more defining than the days that take our breath away. A loss in life is like running smack into a brick wall, after which you shake off the tweeting birds floating around your head and look around at what’s landed in your path. […]

….and then came the snow

Whew….that one’s out of the way. I didn’t sweat this Thanksgiving, I just did a traditional take on an age-old meal. And I loved the smiles all around the table, the deep sighs of contentment, the numerous trips back to the bowls of food. Like I told my sibs…” I didn’t make a lot of […]

Giving thanks……

I’m finding more and more, and sometimes quite rapidly, that what brings me the most pleasure in life is really quite simple. Whether it’s a shock of color discovered on my daily walk, or the foods that pass through my life, I’ve learned, with some astonishing insight, that often the greatest pleasures we can embrace […]