

I’m writing today, just because. Because I love writing, and I love Heather.Just because it’s almost October and change is everywhere. The trees, the clothes in my closets and shoes on my feet.There is change in the foods on our table, the light at dinnertime, the sound of school buses on the street; 7:15am and […]

cheese cheese cheese!!!

One of the nice perks of working in an upscale grocery store is that there is a gourmet cheese case, chock full of amazing cheeses that tempt me each time I walk by. The giant wheels of cheese come in and are cut down to size, often leaving behind smaller pieces that are then wrapped […]

The Engine 2 Challenge review

The E2 challenge is over, at least in theory. To celebrate, I had a thick hearty beef sandwich, ice cream, frozen yogurt and half a dozen slices of wonderful bread spread with sweet butter. Then I had a serious tummy ache. We had 28 days of consuming a plant-based eating plan, which went far, far […]

the Engine 2 challenge

May is looking a bit different around the kitchen. It’s a lot more green. And red. And purple. Don’t forget orange and yellow. I was invited by Whole Foods to take part in a 28-day challenge of consuming a plant-based diet, based on the best-selling book The Engine 2 Diet, written by firefighter Rip Esselstyn, […]

Kellogg’s Virtual Breakfast Chat

Remember when I mentioned last week that I was participating in a virtual breakfast through The Motherhood with some other wonderful bloggers? The chat occurred this past Wednesday, when I was right about to be plunged over the cliff into complete sickness. I managed to deal with the chat perfectly, then set my computer aside […]

big important event announcements

Every once in a while, exciting new things sprout up around my kitchen; fun events that I’m participating in that I think you would find interesting. Most of these fun events have arrived via my relationship with The Motherhood, which began last November and has proven to be a win-win for both of us. The […]

Baking to end childhood hunger

Minnesota’s amazing blogging and food community will come together on Saturday May 14th at Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis from 11:00AM to 4:00PMĀ in support of Share Our Strength’s campaign to end childhood hunger. The National Food Bloggers Bake Sale, initiated by Gaby of What’s Gaby Cooking? will occur for the second year in a row […]

when you just know

Little in life is predictable. And this is especially true during the month of March in Minnesota. Despite the warmth and rain that melted almost all of the 90″ of snow we’ve received this past Winter (because, officially it IS Spring!) we got socked with yet another snow storm that dumped a wide range of […]

ready for the ridiculously delicious?

Once again, Marx Foods tempted me with unique goodies to develop an original recipe for their Ridiculously Delicious Recipe Challenge. This particular challenge was open to anyone who won a prize in the previous year through any contest sponsored by Marx Foods. My second place finish in the Iron Foodie Contest last December earned me […]

it’s all about the quality

Can you believe it’s almost March? For me, that’s always a fun change because the very first day of March is my birthday, but almost better yet, March around these parts means Spring begins, even if it’s only the official beginning of the season. While April is the month to usher in the soft scent […]